Xtreme Clean Car Wash is locally owned and operated and focused on providing the best car wash with exceptional customer service in the communities we serve. We build relationships with our customers and make a positive mark on their day when they come to visit. We value your time, hard hard-earned DOLLARS, and strive to make the most of your experience. We enrich the lives of our employees by offering training, specialized skills, and motivation to make Xtreme Clean a career they love and excel at. Visit Xtreme Clean today and be part of the experience!

At Xtreme Clean, we support our communities by sponsoring local events and donating proceeds to areas of need. Xtreme Clean is committed to helping our communities become better places to live, work, and play. We promise to do our part in our communities, to reach out to areas of need, and to work hard to help prosper the local areas and agencies with special promotions and events. We know that without a growing community striving to make a better tomorrow, we – as well as other businesses, staff, and residents – can not reach our full potential.